January 2022 Leader Letter
Club News
Completing Projects on Base Camp — Do you have members completing their first projects on Base Camp? Help them with this refresher: To mark a project as complete, members must have completed all parts of the project ending with “Assess Your Skills – After.” They should then answer all questions, clicking “Next” to move through them. When all the questions have been answered, they should click "Submit.” Once they have reviewed the feedback window that shows their responses and have completed all other associated assignments and tasks, the project will automatically update as completed. For additional help, view this video tutorial or email educationprogram@toastmasters.org.
Help Members Select a Path — When viewing your club’s roster in Club Central, look for members who do not have “Pathways enabled” below their name. This indicates that they have not yet selected their first free path. Guide them to get going in the Pathways learning experience and choose a path; encourage them to navigate to their profile and follow the prompts to select a path. For additional help, they can email educationprogram@toastmasters.org.
Raise the Bar — Take some time to complete the Club Quality Checklist to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your club. Next, hold an Open House to help bring new members to your club. For more helpful resources to raise the bar of your club, visit the Resource Library.
DTM Project Requests — The DTM Project requires a member to create and implement a project of their design, in which they demonstrate the skills and expertise they have gained. Before embarking, they must have completed one full path and the first three levels of a second path. Members should send an email to educationprogram@toastmasters.org to have their DTM Project made available for access.
Semiannual Officer List: Still Time! — If you missed the deadline to submit your new club officer list for January 1–June 30, it is not too late to get it recorded. Outgoing club officers will have Club Central access until January 30 to submit their newly elected club officers list. For assistance, email clubofficers@toastmasters.org.
Attend Club Officer Training — Be the best officer you can be by attending Club Officer Training by February 28. Your club can earn Distinguished Club Program (DCP) credit if your Program Quality Director reports your officer training details on District Central by March 31.
New Speechcraft Flier — For clubs looking to promote Speechcraft events to local companies and business-minded individuals, this new corporate-focused flier promotes the transferable skills gained through the program. Customize it with your club’s event information!
The Guiding Light of Club Central — Are you a new club officer? Or a current club officer that is looking for a way to provide receipts to your members? The Club Central Tutorials will walk you through all the different tools in Club Central, from Adding Members to Club Achievements.
Hybrid Club Tips — Know a club that is hybrid or looking to become one? Discover tips on how to find success with both in-person and online attendees. Review the “Running a Successful Hybrid Club Meeting” document and share it, either with fellow club officers or with clubs in your District. Discuss how you might be able to better meet your members’ needs in a hybrid club format.
Shake Up Table Topics — While Table Topics® can be daunting for new members and those with presentation anxiety, having creative and fun themes can help motivate guests to join and keep members entertained and retained. Calling on members to respond to a random list of topics can get stale. Instead, inject some fun into your next club meeting with these ideas and tips from a recent Toastmaster article.
Welcome Semiannual Club Officers! — As we enter the second half of the 2021–2022 DCP year, prepare for your officer position by referring to the Club Officer Resources, digital Club Officer Kit, and the Club Officer Agreement and Release Statement. It is also recommended that your Club Executive Committee meets to discuss and review the Club Success Plan to ensure the club is in line to meet its goals for year-end.
Use Updated Resources — Did you know that throughout the year, the Toastmasters website and resources are updated? To ensure you are using the most up-to-date version, utilize the Resource Library to download the files you need. Using the latest version of items like the Membership Application will help your club add new members accurately and without issue.
International Director Candidates Nominated — The Toastmasters International Leadership Committee has nominated International Director candidates for the 2022-2023 Board of Directors. Voting will take place at the Annual Business Meeting in August 2022. Find out more about the nominated candidates by visiting the International Candidates webpage.
Design a Newsletter — A club newsletter is a great way to keep members in the know, but more importantly, engaged. A newsletter can also generate collaboration between members as they work together to create the content, as well as bring everyone closer as a community. Read these tips and tools for creating an eye-catching newsletter.
Club President: The Team Leader — The President sets the tone for the club and is the ultimate team player. In this role, you can make your club stronger, inspire your club members with your encouragement and support, and empower them to learn and improve.
Climb Your Club’s Leader Ladder — Are you interested in running for a club officer position? Opportunities to learn and lead abound for member-elected officers, who steer the club’s business operations and foster quality education programs and energetic club activities each year. Learn more in this Toastmaster article.
The Two Sides of Table Topics — Who grows the most from Table Topics®—Topicsmasters or participants? Ultimately, the point of Table Topics is that both play an important role in ensuring everyone benefits and grows from each session. Here’s a look at how that happens for Toastmasters on both sides of the “table.”
Six More Paths in Tamil — Six more paths in the Pathways learning experience have been translated into Tamil! The following paths are ready for purchase so members can continue their personal and professional growth in Tamil: Motivational Strategies, Innovative Planning, Strategic Relationships, Dynamic Leadership, Persuasive Influence, and Team Collaboration. Interested members should visit My Profile and click the “Choose A Path” button to get started.
Got Club Gift Certificates? — Club gift certificates must be mailed to Headquarters to be redeemed, along with order details. Use the mailing address on the Contact Us page. Create an order summary, including the cost of shipping and applicable taxes, through the Toastmasters website. Simply go through the purchase process and stop when payment is requested. If you need additional help, email supplyorders@toastmasters.org.